BW Respite

BW-Respite is BW-Fusion’s soluble potash product, engineered to stop crop ethylene production during stress events. Ethylene is a gas released by plants during periods of stress that essentially causes them to shut down and begin their end-of-life cycle. By applying BW-Respite to crops during drought or other challenging environmental events, growers limit plant ethylene production and promote a complete life cycle for a profitable harvest.


  • Limit ethylene gas production to promote an entire plant life-cycle
  • Enhance water, nutrient, and carbohydrate movement throughout plants
  • Promote ATP production for beneficial photosynthesis regulation

BW-Respite is suitable for all crops and is tank-mix compatible for various application types.


2-6 oz/acre


Foliar / Tank-Mixed with Herbicides, Pesticides, Foliar, and Nutritional, & Fungicides


Growing Season – Anytime