Storby Seed Services

We offer a wide range of services for our customers.

Drone Flyovers with Sentera

We use our newest drone technology to help us with field scouting. This gives us a “birds-eye” view of field conditions, ability to capture in-action field videos and photos, assess and determine wind event damage from above.

Valuable Data All Season Long

Sentera FieldAgent Mobile – Precision Agriculture NDVI Drones

Sentera FieldAgent Weed Density Mapping

Tassel Count Analytics


Climate Pro

We help you select specific hybrids for your fields based on past yield history.

Variable Rate, Seeding Rx by hybrid, the variable rate for Nitrogen Rx, Nitrogen monitoring, and seed advisor

Agronomic Recommendations

We provide agronomic recommendations for fertilizer, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides.

Variable Rate

We assist with the variable rate of your fields and help you select Nitrogen and Seeding Rx for your fields.

Yield Monitor Calibration & Side-by-Side Comparisons

We will make sure your monitor is calibrated and everything is working correctly when you start your first field. We can also help you if you want to check to make sure inputs are still accurate during mid-harvest. We can also check side-by-side comparisons to show the Dekalb & Asgrow difference.

Custom Seed Treatments

We treat soybeans with fungicide, fungicide/insecticide, inoculants, & ILeVO. We treat corn with Quickroots. We can treat year-round with our newly updated site. We use brand-specific treatments and teamed up with Asgrow soybeans. We also offer free replant seeds, as needed. We treat into boxes, tenders, and can rebag bulk bags.

Custom Application Services

Our custom application services are sold during certain times in the season and can be applied when seeds are planted and during the growing season.

Seed Delivery

We know that it’s important to have your seed exactly when you need it, delivered to your farm or to your fields. We offer seed tender services and in-season delivery when it matters most.

Crop Scouting via imagery

Using Climate Fieldview to direct our scout, we will scout your fields looking for stand counts, diseases, weeds & pests. We can customize a solution program to fit your specific needs.

Climate Fieldview

We promote the use of Climate Fieldview to help growers to centralize or control their ag data in one familiar location. We make sure their variable rate maps are created correctly and loaded properly. We ensure the correct input for nitrogen information, data entry, and assess yield data with in-season notes and profitability maps.


FieldView 301: FieldView Seed Scripts

Climate FieldView Drive Install

8 Essential Steps for a Smooth Start to Planting Season

Tissue Sampling / Stalk Nitrate Sampling

Tissue sampling can reveal problems within roots and other hidden issues that lie under the surface of your crop, this measures the nutrients in the actual plant.

Stalk Nitrate Sampling helps to evaluate nitrogen management practices in corn as the plant matures. This test may be useful to assess nitrogen fertility programs and make adjustments for the following season.

We ask that you pay for the lab fee and we handle the rest.

Soil Sampling

We can soil sample 1.1 acre, 2.5 acres, or 4.4 acre grids to get a more defined representation of your fields.

Soil Sampling should be done every 2-4 years for a given field to evaluate available concentrations of plant nutrients in the soil. This helps determine what fertilizers will be recommended for the following seasons.

Group Meetings

We host both large and small group meetings periodically throughout the year to make sure you are in-the-know about what is happening in the news and other topics related to farming. These are topics such as what pests we are noticing during scouting, yield progressions, best practices, environmental field conditions, and many more.

In small group meetings, you can get involved in Q&A sessions and we let you know what we are seeing in a timely manner.

In large group meetings, we bring in company representatives to share important information.

We also proudly host a yearly Field Day where customers are welcome to come have a nice hot meal, talk with other farmers, and learn more about new products or services and how Storby Seed can support their operations. Customers can also see “in season” plots that we have grown on our own land.

Want More Information? Contact Us!

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