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Dekalb & Asgrow
Field Research Book
Bayer Crop Science – Huxley Learning Center
151 Highway 210
Huxley, IA 50124
(515) 597-5900
2019 Field Research Book: Click here to download full PDF
Table of Contents & Soybean – pages 1-19
Corn – pages 20-30
Agronomics – pages 31-36
*Click to load PDF versions of each section.
2018 Field Research Book: Click here to download full PDF
Table of Contents & Soybean – pages 1-16
Corn – pages 17-31
Agronomics – pages 32-58
*Click to load PDF versions of each section.
We take pride in providing you with the most accurate and up-to-date information possible.

Click Here to download the DEKALB Blend Information
Each brand blend includes full details of brand characteristics, key strengths, plant descriptions, management tips, and Smart Stax RIB Complete specs.
Individual DEKALB Blends
Click to expand for an overall of details about each specific blend.
Click the link for a downloadable PDF version with individualized details about each product.
Details include root strength, stalk strength, drought tolerance, green snap tolerance, product characteristics, management tips, and disease ratings.
DKC49-44RIB Blend
DKC49-44RIB Blend can provide good stability, husk cover, ear flex, and yield stability relative to other products in the lineup in this RM. This product has shown very good greensnap tolerance and late-season appearance.
DKC49-45RIB Blend
DKC49-45RIB Blend can provide good standability, husk cover, ear flex, and yield stability relative to other products in the lineup in this RM. This product has shown very good greensnap tolerance and late-season appearance.
DKC52-34RIB Blend
DKC52-34RIB Blend has shown excellent yield stability, a very good late-season appearance, and strong standability. It could be a great option for producers who want consistent performance with minimized agronomic concerns.
DKC52-35RIB Blend
DKC52-35RIB Blend has shown great yield stability, great late-season appearance, and standability. This blend could be a great option for producers who desire a nice blend of offensive and defensive characteristics.
DCK53-27RIB Blend
DKC53-27RIB Blend can provide outstanding high yield potential, with good East to West performance potential and a disease tolerance package that can allow for broad placement.
DKC54-64RIB Blend
DKC54-64RIB Blend shows potential to be positioned for broad use across yield environments, with the versatility to move East to West and North or South out of RM zone.
DKC54-65RIB Blend
DKC54-65RIB Blend shows potential to be positioned for broad use across yield environments, with the versatility to move East to West and North or South out of RM zone.
DKC55-54RIB Blend
DKC55-54RIB Blend has shown consistent yields under drought stress as well as in productive environments. A strong agronomic and disease package help make this product suited to most environments and management systems.
DKC58-32 is an attractive product with excellent stay-green, grain quality, standability, in addition to outstanding yield potential across various environments. It can provide broad adaptability from Eastern to Western U.S. in addition to the capability to move South of the zone of the maturity.
DKC59-81RIB Blend
DKC59-81RIB Blend offers growers a product that has shown great stability in appearance and performance across environments and geographies. It can provide a moderate plant stature with very good standability.
DKC59-82RIB Blend
DKC59-82RIB Blend offers growers a product that has shown great stability in appearance and performance across various environments and geographies. It can provide a moderate plant stature with very good standability.
DKC63-90RIB Blend
DKC63-90RIB Blend is a broadly adaptable 113 RM product with high yield potential and very good Goss’ Wilt tolerance. Additional strengths of this product include a nice late-season appearance and strong standability.
DKC63-91RIB Blend
DKC63-91RIB Blend is a broadly adaptable 113 RM product with high yield potential and very good Goss’ Wilt tolerance. Additional strengths of this product include a nice late-season appearance and strong standability.
2018 Plot Data Information
2019 Plot Data Information
National Yields and Top Performers